About Kamchatka

Kamchatka Peninsula is located on the edge of the world in the most remote point of Russian Federation. The land of severe winter and fire-breathing mountains. Wherever you look, one way or another you see the mountains and the uncountable riches of this part of the world are hidden behind them. Countless number of hot and cold springs called Narzans, volcanic gas outcrops, geysers, stormy winds, the brightest northern sun, the riot of vivid colors of the woods and plains, the richness of rivers and lakes, absolutely untouched nature, where everything is subordinated to the will of volcanoes – the giants of the north and the wild beast. Only here you can truly understand that the planet is alive, only here you can feel the hot breath of the earth, only here the rest of the world seems to you to be something non-existent, because you are completely charmed by the mighty spells of this magical place. No matter how long you will be looking for, nowhere else and never again you will find even a tiny part of such beauty and such immense quantity of wonders like here. And now you are already packing your backpack and getting ready for the cherished day when you get into a plane and come here, having flown around the globe. And then you stand at the top of the volcano blown by seven winds, beholding all the magnificence and freedom of Kamchatka nature.


Geographically, Kamchatka is located in the far-east of Russia. Washed by the Pacific Ocean and two seas, the Sea of Okhotsk from the west and the Bering Sea from the north, our land stretches for 1600 km from south to north and 500 km from west to east. The total area of the peninsula is 464300 square kilometers, of which almost 100,000 square kilometers belong to protected areas. There are more than 15,000 large and small rivers and streams in Kamchatka, about 100,000 lakes of various sizes, about 140 volcanoes, 30 of which are still active, as well as more than 300 volcanic structures.


There are 37 species of mammalians on the peninsula. The most common of which is, of course, the brown bear – the master of the forests and the wolverine – a sly and nimble beast, the elk – a humpbacked forester, bighorn, lynx, sable,  mink, reindeer, marten , fox, otter, arctic fox, marmot, etc. Sea lions, the so-called Sivuch, settle on the coast. They spend almost half a year in the waters and rookeries of Kamchatka. Seals, sea dogs and sea calfs are to find everywhere on the shores of the peninsula. The water area is very rich on fish resources, especially of salmic family. All species of wild salmon spawn in the rivers of peninsula. Sometimes occasionally you can meet whales and killer whales in the waters of the Pacific Ocean. The feathered world is represented by as many as 240 species, among them are gulls, loons, mallards, petrels, hatchets, geese, ducks, swans, black grouses, etc. The largest predator of the feathered family is the white-tailed eagle, and the rarest gyrfalcon. Ospreys, golden eagles, hawks and peregrine falcons coexist with them.